Monday, October 17, 2011

Korean temperature Part 1 of 2

Summer has come and gone and I am beginning to feel winter's icy hand effecting the neighbourhood. The trees have all gone from green to orange and the mornings are now very chilly. In a few weeks my walk to school may require ice skates.

Put on your warmest clothes. Winter gets well below zero degrees in Korea.

It is funny, Korean people are always bragging about how they have "4 unique seasons". After asking, they will give you a big speal about Korea being special because they have Summer, Autumn (Fall), Winter and Spring. My reply to this is usually "Yeah, so what. So does half of the rest of the world". But this bragging is silly for more reasons than just that. In Korea the winters and summers are very long. It seems that Autumn and Spring only last for about a month each. Just as winter ends you will only get a good month of Spring before summer starts. This has got me thinking that maybe they should stop bragging until all seasons are similar lengths. At the moment it seems more like 2 seasons with a short "half time show" in between.

Some drinks on a hot summers night.

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